K-On, I Misjudged You…

Posted by Neko Kyou in Thoughts on June 21st, 2009

My first impression of K-On wasn’t very good…

I enjoyed the first few episodes, but had a few doubts.

I thought the animation quality was poor for a KyoAni production and that the show was only held up thanks to Mio.

I was naive…

K-On turned now turns out to be one of the best the season had to offer and is my favourite this season. In the end the animation style turned out to fit the show almost perfectly and while Mio is still the darling of K-On, the rest of the cast had proved their worth too.

I can’t really decide whether this is a good thing or not because they had to cut down on Mio’s screen time for Azusa and Ui… Oh well.

The K-On club performed Brush and Ballpoint Pen and even more Fuwa Fuwa Time in the last gig. Can’t really complain about that but I was actually hoping for a Don’t Say Lazy finale.

But with a winter special extra episode coming up, it may not be too much to hope for a new season to do just that. After all, they’re all only 2nd years and one first year. There’s still a whole full year to go before any of them graduates and series like this often goes all the way to the final year.


Kudos to Sawa-chan sensei for finally breaking her!

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