I found a few very interesting articles on some anime blogs this week and thought I would share it for those who hasn’t had the chance to read them yet.
- Darkshaunz at Retsgip’s Anime Blog posted an interesting article entitled Anime Survivor – Walk Through That Portal. He talked about the 7 items or skills of the anime universe that he would bring with him if he could enter the anime world for a full whole week. Very descriptive and very entertaining.
- For those who watched CODE GEASS, Omni at Random Curiosity had posted up CODE GEASS Stage 24 & 25 Special PV. I haven’t exactly watched the series, but I plan to as soon as I get my hands on it
I would have watched it sooner if I knew CLAMP had a hand in it.
- If you’re planning to get a little more serious about learning the Japanese language, GoddessCarlie have a must-read article, Is Nihongo Right For You? Most anime or manga fans would attempt to try and learn the language at some point. Some stopped and gave up without even trying, others put forth more effort and dedication into it. But before you go any further, there are some other things you need to work out first.
Hope you guys enjoy these as much as I did
I’ve recently posted a 3 part series of articles on how watching anime could actually help you to pick up the Japanese language. If you’ve missed them and you’re interested you can read them here:
- Part I: Picking Up Japanese with Anime?
- Part II: Picking Up Japanese with Anime?
- Part III: Picking Up Japanese with Anime?
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