To Singapore – Land of the dreaded Odex

Posted by Neko Kyou in Updates on February 18th, 2008

I’ll be away from away (if that made any sense) for the next few days as I’ll be over in Singapore, paying a visit to Dyna and Kid (don’t forget to check out the latest Mocha comic! Script by yours truly 😀 ) while at the same time doing some shopping.

Kyuu playing NDS Lite

What’s on my shoppling list?

  1. A laptop that is at least on par with my desktop which is ~3 years old.
  2. PSP Slim & Lite. Or Lite & Slim. Whatever.
  3. External HDD Casing, to house my anime-infested hard drive so I can use it on my new laptop (See #1).
  4. Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice for my NDS.
  5. A few other new Wii/DS/PSP games to keep me busy until I get my PS3.

Well… that should be about it. I think…

Thankfully, minerj has been diligently keeping up with the Naruto Shippuuden episode reviews so the blog won’t be left totally without any new updates, but khilly has been slacking off real bad with Shakugan no Shana II.

Related posts:

  1. Naruto PSP Wallpaper
  2. Odex NOT Declaring War After All
  3. Odex Declares War Against The World

2 Comments to “To Singapore – Land of the dreaded Odex”

  1. khilly | February 18th, 2008 at 10:26 pm

    *hears whip cracking* T-T

  2. Mihai | February 22nd, 2008 at 2:49 am

    Nice shopping list. You spend some cash there….


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