Baka to Test to Shokanju Ni! Still As Good As Ever!
Posted by Neko Kyou in Thoughts on July 11th, 2011
Baka to Test to Shokanju was one of the best anime series of 2010, and one of the funniest anime released recently. That’s why when I heard the second season was coming, it immediately became the series I looked forward to the most among the Summer 2011 anime lineup.
“But I’m not a girl, damnit!!”
The first episode of Baka to Test to Shokanju Ni! did not disappoint at all. It had be rolling around with tears of laughter within the first few minutes and I had to cover my face with a pillow to stop myself from laughing too hard. You’ll likely end up like Mutsurini but instead of nosebleed, you’ll be drained of tears due to excessive laughing.
The story seems to continue soon after the end of the first season during summer vacation, which by the way, even thought I took a short vacation at a Twiddy beach house during the summer, it seemed like I had to wait forever for it to release. Story was never really a strong point of BakaTest, but it was also never the main focus. Although, it would be interesting to see another Exam Summoning Battle (or two) this season. I missed those FFF guys xD
Mutsuri getting knocked out even before they actually got down to the beach and Hideyoshi who was finally going to show everyone he’s a boy by wearing a proper pair of trunks got stopped and carried away by the guards were some of the best moments this episode. That’s assuming you survived the hilarious dialogue during the ride to the beach…
Since Yoshii’s summon field bracelet self-destructed at the end of season 1, that means no summons appeared this episode, which was kinda sad.
BakaTest Ni is following its original formula and nothing has changed. It’s still the same old baka-tachi doing stupid things.
If you’ve never watched the original series, you’re seriously missing out.
Note to self – pick up photography…
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