Railgun Baka Test

Posted by Neko Kyou in Random Fun on October 21st, 2010

Pretty cool actually, using Only My Railgun with Baka Test animation 😀

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Ookami-san and JC Friends

Posted by Neko Kyou in Random Fun on September 2nd, 2010

I didn’t realize Ookami-san was under J.C. Staff until I saw the following people flashing by in Ookami-san episode 8…

Taiga! RAWR!!!

*biri* *biri*

I would have loved for Misaka to give the annoying butler a railgun treatment XD

I was half expecting Satomi Arai to go “that’s me” in her narration, but that didn’t happen either :(

Gotta love J.C. Staff for doing this kind of stuff so often and so blatantly XD

There were a few more thrown in there but I couldn’t recognize them so I’m not sure if they were from a different anime.

On a side note, just got a new desktop with a 23.6″ monitor.. and loving it! It’s just 3.6″ bigger than my Sony TV which I’ve been using as an extended monitor for my laptop, but the difference is really noticeable. Next, I shall go for a LED monitor!

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