Despite being a recently released anime, History’s Strongest Disciple – Kenichi, looks as if it was animated at least 5 years ago. The first time I saw this anime, I thought to myself, “Just how old is this anime anyway?” and was surprised when I learned that it was new (its still airing in Japan right now).
I recognized the seiyuu for Shirahama Kenichi (Tomokazu Seki) right away since he actually voiced a lot of my favourite characters from various other animes. The first episode got me hooked enough to continue on to the 2nd episode and the 2nd episode got me hooked to the rest of the series. To put simply, the show is simply too hilarious!
I have shown Kenichi to many other people, and each one of them got hooked onto it as well. Often overlooked, possible due to its poor animation quality, Kenichi is definitely one of the best anime around.
It tells the story of a loser who puts all his faith and beliefs on how-to books in order to become stronger and to shed off his image as a weakling. He joined the karate club with hopes to improve himself, but instead he just gets bullied around by not only his peers, but seniors as well
As if by fate, he then met Furinji Miu, who introduced Kenichi to the Ryouzanpaku dojo, a place where masters of the different arts of self-defense gathers. Among the 6 masters in the dojo, the one that stands out the most is Apachai Hopachai, the Muay Thai Shinigami (God of Death). He is the most hilarious of the bunch and without a doubt, one of the most well-liked characters in the series for his wacky antiques.
All 6 masters of the Ryouzanpaku often displays “torch-light” eyes, where lights shines out of their eyes as if they were a torch-light. This is usually followed by some extremely funny moments as they put their evil grand ideas and plans to work, usually at the expense of somebody getting hurt real bad. Usually Kenichi.
Overall, this is a great anime for those who loves martial arts or anyone else who loves a good laugh. Almost every episode have at least one or two funny moments. The only real downside of this anime is that it tends to stray away from the actual story, but these are also often welcomed as they would usually have rolling on the floor laughing.
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