Hatsune Miku Nendoroid

Posted by Neko Kyou in Random Fun on April 23rd, 2008

Been looking for a Hatsune Miku nendoroid figure since I saw this video on YouTube about a week ago:

The bad news was Hatsune Miku’s nendoroid figure was already sold out and I could not find it anywhere at all. The damn thing sold over 50,000 units even during the pre-order period. That’s a huge amount! And since it was released at the very beginning of the month, I really didn’t have much hope of getting one anytime soon.

But a couple of days ago Shingo posted that Goodsmile had released a new batch of the nendoroid and were on its way to some of the online stores as well. I actually spent the last couple of days refreshing pages at J-List and HLJ, hoping to see signs of the new stock up for sale. And today it FINALLY appeared on J-List.

I’m not sure if Goodsmile actually bumped up the price, but J-List is currently selling it for $52.00. It’s quite obvious that they J-List always bump up the price a little, but unless the actual item really increased its price, they really bumped it up high this time. HLJ is listing their Miku Nendoroid for ~$28.00, which is almost half the price being listed in J-List.

At first, I was really about to jump on the offer, even if it did cost more, but after a little more thinking I came to the conclusion that if J-List really did decide to sell it at nearly 2x the original price for more profit, it might not be very worth it for me. Even if I do want a Miku nendoroid, I’m still not so obsessed that I’m willing to fork out double so I’m just going to take a chance and wait for HLJ to receive their supply. Hopefully, the price stays the same (2,857 Yen). Might even decide to pick up 2 of it, although if it doesn’t show up over the next couple of days, I think I’ll probably end up getting one from J-List after all.

But for those who can’t wait and not willing to take the chance (it did sold out incredibly fast the first time), you can hop over to J-List now and get one right now. They listed only 7 units in their stock, although I’m kinda skeptical about it.

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