This is actually taken from an old teaser shown on Japanese TV during the airing of Pokemon Diamond & Pearl 1 hour special (Episode 13 & 14).
The two screenshots were taken from the teaser, featuring the battle between Dialga and Palkia, possibly in their own dimension before the two Legendaries mysteriously appeared in Álamos Town.
Dialga and Palkia prepares to battle each other. Both symbol of diamond and pearl can be seen glowing and illuminating the two Pokemon as they charge up their energy:
If you haven’t watched the latest trailer for the 10th Pokemon movie, here it is:
You can see the part when Darkrai first made its appearance in the movie, protecting Ash/Satoshi and Alice from a blast from either Dialga or Palkia. You just gotta love how Darkrai’s name was said at the end of the trailer
The director for this movie, Kunihiko Yuyama (????) had mentioned before that Darkrai holds the key to this movie but would not elaborate on which side it is on. But based on the trailer, we could probably speculate that Darkrai is indeed trying to stop the battle between the other two Legendaries.
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6 Comments to “Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai Screenshots & Trailer”
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dammit when is this coming to america! I cant find it online subtitled!
It would probably take a while. As for the fansub, we won’t see any until the DVD is released in Japan, possibly some time next year.
Could i buy the Japanese version of this? If i can would it have english subtitles?
Yes you can buy the Japanese version, but it will not have any subtitles on it.
I wish the english version could have the same voices, or that they’d try to get something similar at least.
When is this movie going to be at brunei(asia) ? Im really desperate to see it!! T.T
Inform me & mail me at . K thank you