The anime fall season is upon us and many new titles will be showing up. Some are sequels, while most are new. What anime titles are you looking forward to?

For me, I had been eagerly awaiting for a second season of Suzumiya Haruhi. Although it would seem unlikely that Suzumiya Haruhi 2 will be showing up anytime soon, I’m still hoping to see KyoAni pulling a stunt by not doing any promo or announcement at all, or at least wait until the very last moment.
Putting Suzumiya Haruhi aside, I am looking forward to Shakugan no Shana Second. The ending of the first season suggests that Yoshida would play a larger role against the denizens of the Crimson Realm and her rivalry with Shana would escalate even higher. It would also be interesting to see whether Yuji himself would take up Blutsauger and fight alongside Shana.
Gundam 00 is something to look forward to as well, but I’m having doubts if it would be good. I don’t really like most of the character and MS design, but they really are secondary. The story would be the most important and hopefully we’re not getting another Wing. Nothing against Gundam Wing, but it just never really appealed to me except for some of its MS; namely Wing Zero Custom & Deathscythe.
Suteki Tantei Labyrinth sounds like something I would really like. I imagine it would be something like CLAMP School Detectives.
Other than those, a few others that caught my interest right now are:
- Kodomo no Jikan
- Shugo Chara
- Minami-Ke
- Rental Magica
- Myself Yourself
- Jushin Enbu
- Goshuushousama Ninomiya-kun
- MapleStory
There aren’t that much information on most of the new anime right now, but I’ll see what I can dig up.
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6 Comments to “Looking Forward to Anime Titles this Fall”
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Well, with Clannad being aired this fall, I think we can pretty much count out Haruhi for this fall. Kyoto is probably trying to have a series every season, but I doubt they’ll try doing two at once, especially two big series at once.
Shakugan no Shana II, however, I am hyped up about as well. Along with Clannad, it’s one of the series I KNOW I’m going to blog about. I just hope that it isn’t licensed mid-season and I lose my access to semi-english translations of the show.
With Gundum, I’ve never seen it, and I’m sure there are better places to start watching it. With franchises like that which have a billion series, just starting on it looks so daunting that I almost don’t feel like bothering with it.
Other than that, I’m not really knowledgeable about most of the other series that will be airing, other than Genshiken 2 and Kodomo no Jikan (thanks to the controversy about it). I’ll probably get around to researching that next month as the current spring and summer seasons wind down.
Oh right, I totally forgot about Clannad. I’ve been wanting to watch Clannad and Code Geass for weeks but never got around to it.
There are controversies about Genshiken 2 and Kodomo no Jikan? Hmm… I wasn’t aware of that. What are the controversies about?
There wasn’t a controversy about Genshiken 2. I just know of it because of the first season in the US (which I just finished watching). I just mean the controversy part to apply to Kodomo
Seven Seas had licensed the manga and was going to release it here as Nymphet. However, after they took at deeper look at the manga (after getting some heat over picking it up), they decided it was too racy for their tastes and canceled their release of it.
This created a huge censorship vs. appropriateness debate, which I’m sure will burst out into flames again if someone mentions the name Nymphet in a US-based anime and manga message board.
Oops, I misunderstood your meaning and thought the controversy was between the two different series. 😛
Ahh but that explains it. I’ve just looked it up on wiki as well and I can see why fans are unhappy about it.
I haven’t read any part of the manga so I don’t know just how far the author went with the “inappropriate” stuffs, but honestly it sounds more like comic material to me than anything else. The relationship seems to be one-sided as well, so I don’t think there’s any real ethics or moral issues involved.
I think I’ll try and see if I can find any threads about this in any of the anime forums. Would be interesting to find out more lol