Clannad Episode 22 (The end?)

Posted by Neko Kyou in Clannad on March 28th, 2008

Two Shadows

Clannad Episode 22

Rating: 8/10

This episode wasn’t as bad as I thought it would. Was actually expecting something bad from some of the comments I’ve heard, but it turned out pretty good. Me likes it!

Clannad Episode 22

Others might think otherwise, but I like how Nagisa’s mind seems to wander in and out of depression. She’s obviously devastated at what she found out and it really shows, and even though it’s done weakly, tries very hard to smile in front of everyone. Not to mention Akio as Ceaser is just so in-character for him lol

Tomoya also shows that he has a lot of trust in Nagisa by trying his best not to pull down the curtains even though he was pressured by the others who were worried.

Sunohara with boobs!

Is it just me, or did Sunohara grew boobs?

Again, some people seem to hate how Tomoya made his confession at the very end, while personally I find that the buildup is just nice and the scene was executed incredibly well. Many series actually does this (although none actually comes to mind right now) and I recalled some was done kinda poorly, but Clannad managed to pull it off magnificently. My one and only complain is that they pretty much skipped the entire date, showing only a few seconds worth of screen time! The effect of the confession would have been much, much better if KyoAni had dedicated more time towards the date itself following up to the final moment.

Clannad Party

Clannad After Season has been announced! While it would be mainly focusing on Nagisa, the other girls will definitely make their appearances, and I’m especially curious about what happens to Kyou and Tomoyo 😀

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  2. Clannad Episode 8
  3. Clannad Episode 9
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  5. Clannad Episode 12

2 Comments to “Clannad Episode 22 (The end?)”

  1. Spike | August 21st, 2008 at 11:08 am

    heh i though it needed another episode lol

    oh and Akio was Oedipus not Caesar


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